Friday, April 19, 2013

People Handle Crisis in very different ways

People handle crisis in diverse ways.

Have you ever asked yourself why you cry watching a movie, but when confronted with a crisis, or a loss in your life, in which you need to make vital decisions, there's no time to cry until the crisis is over, and then you ask yourself : "Did this really happen, or  have I been dreaming" ?

Some people freeze and are unable to make decisions, while others find unknown strengths  and act in ways  they would have never imagined, in order to handle situations that they would have never solved in a regular day.

How people behave after being exposed to a traumatic event can also vary. Some people shut down and would not talk about the experience, while others might  feel an urge to share their feelings, or talk about their experience numerous times to friends and relatives.

The sad part is that relatives and friends don't want to listen  to you , mostly because of difficulty dealing with their own grief and pain.

In case of an event where numerous lives have been  lost, and a person witness the event, it can cause mixed feelings related to "being alive" and grateful, or "being alive " and feeling guilty about it.

In each of these scenarios, talking about the  experience to a professional who has been trained to deal with crisis, and with survivors of  attacks, can help you keep a healthy marriage, keep a good friend, but most of all, can help you stay emotionally and mentally stable.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Some tips related to Parenting:

Parenting a child starts in the womb. An expectant mother can start building up her child's emotional stability by having healthy habit, such as eating healthy nutritional meals, sleeping at least 7 hours daily, avoiding conflict and stress, listening to relaxing music.

Talking to your child,  and even listening to soft music can  help create an atmosphere of inner peace that can be transmitted to your unborn child. This routine could be even better if the father can be part of it, like touching the expectant mothers abdomen, and talking gentle words of love to his unborn child.

After birth, from the first day a child is born, parents can start by creating a schedule to adjust to having a new member in the family. A child should be taught to sleep at certain hours, to bath at certain hours and to eat on time, according to each stage of a child's life.

A parent needs to learn to identify a child's needs when a child cries, because it can be different depending on each need. For example a child cries differently  when he/she is hungry, when in pain, or if child needs to be held or pampered. Even as a child grows into a preschooler, school age or adolescent, they all have a certain way of letting parents know what their emotional needs are. It's up to the parent to be able to connect emotionally  to his/her child in order to fulfill these needs to help a child grow to be a successful adult.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Quote for 03/03/2013

Don't let anybody rule your life...You might lose great opportunities, and you might regret for ever not taking the  risk!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Being empathetic and understanding are two great qualities"

Virginia Brown.
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Today I will start publishing my own quotes. The purpose is to  express ideas and views from my daily life.